300 N. Sheppard St. Richmond, VA 23221
Main Office: (804) 254-8810
Emergency Number Outside of Regular Office Hours: (804) 254-0887
Family Faith Formation
Open to families with children in grades Pre-K–4*
“Accordingly, the definitive aim of catechesis is to put
people not only in touch but in communion,
in intimacy, with Jesus Christ.”
— Pope John Paul II from Catechesi Tradendae (On Catechesis in Our Time)
Please click on the registration form for information regarding Family Faith Formation fees. Fees help us offset the cost of curriculum resources and needed supplies. Please do not let fees be a burden, we want our Catholic faith to be accessible to everyone. Please contact us about assistance if necessary.
*Pre-School students must be at least 3.5 years old

For more information or for any questions concerning PreK-4 religious education, contact Trevor Hamilton (thamilton@saintbenedictparish.org).