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300 N. Sheppard St. Richmond, VA 23221
Main Office: (804) 254-8810
Emergency Number Outside of Regular Office Hours: (804) 254-0887
“Give thanks to the Lord on the harp;
on the ten-stringed lyre offer praise.
Sing to him a new song;
skillfully play with joyful chant.”
— Psalm 33:2
The Festival Choir sings at select parish feasts throughout the year, with rehearsals taking place a few weeks before each event. This ensemble requires minimal commitment, and provides an introductory experience to choral singing.
Persons of various ages and levels of experience are invited to participate. One need not belong to other choirs in the parish, or be a cantor, to join the Festival Choir.

For more information, contact Joel S. Kumro, the Choirmaster and Organist (
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