300 N. Sheppard St. Richmond, VA 23221
Main Office: (804) 254-8810
Emergency Number Outside of Regular Office Hours: (804) 254-0887
“The community of believers
was of one heart and mind.”
— Acts of the Apostles 4:32
If you would like to register in the parish, you can download the registration form here. Be sure to fill out both sides of the form. You may save and submit the form by email to: ioleary@saintbenedict parish.org or by mail to:
Ida B. O’Leary
Saint Benedict Catholic Church
300 North Sheppard Street
Richmond, VA 23221
If you are already registered, but would like to update your contact information (mailing address, email address, etc), please use this form.
If you would like to receive FLOCKNOTES - our email communication regarding events in the parish, Mass times or changes, click here.